troy |
of, expressed, or computed using the troy weight system. |
troy weight |
a system of weight based on a pound equal to twelve ounces or 373.24 grams, used for precious metals and gems. |
truant |
one who is absent without permission, esp. from a school. [4 definitions] |
truant officer |
a school official who investigates students' unauthorized absences. |
truce |
a stoppage or ending of armed conflict by mutual agreement of warring parties; armistice. [2 definitions] |
truck1 |
any of a number of large vehicles used for transporting freight or other loads. [8 definitions] |
truck2 |
bartered goods. [4 definitions] |
truckage |
the conveying of goods by truck, or the charge made for this service. |
trucker |
a person who drives a truck; truck driver. [2 definitions] |
truck farm |
a farm that grows vegetables to be marketed. |
trucking |
the process or business of transporting goods by truck. |
truckle1 |
to act in a servile manner; submit tamely (usu. fol. by "to"). |
truckle2 |
a low bed on casters to be rolled under another bed when not in use; trundle bed. [2 definitions] |
truckle bed |
see "trundle bed." |
truck stop |
a business along a highway usu. consisting of a restaurant and gas station, and having truck drivers as its main customers. |
truck system |
the system or practice of paying wages in goods instead of in money. |
truculent |
extremely hostile or belligerent; inclined to fight. [2 definitions] |
trudge |
to walk heavily and laboriously, as with great weariness. [3 definitions] |
true |
in agreement with fact; not false. [13 definitions] |
true believer |
a dedicated follower of a person, creed, or the like, esp. one characterized by blind, unquestioning devotion, or sometimes fanaticism. |
true bill |
a bill of indictment approved by a grand jury as being supported by enough evidence to justify a trial. |