Ugric |
a branch of the Finno-Ugric languages that includes Hungarian. [2 definitions] |
uh |
used to show hesitation or uncertainty, often unintentionally, as in collecting one's thoughts. |
abbreviation of "ultrahigh frequency," any radio frequency between three hundred and three thousand megahertz. |
uh-huh |
used to indicate a positive or affirmative response, or to show that one is paying attention. |
uh-oh |
used to express a sudden knowledge or apprehension that something bad is about to happen. |
uh-uh |
used to indicate a negative response. |
U-joint |
variant of universal joint. |
UK |
abbreviation of "United Kingdom," a northwestern European country between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, comprising Great Britain and Northern Ireland; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (usu. prec. by, "the"). |
ukase |
in imperial Russia, a proclamation of the czar that was legally binding. [2 definitions] |
Ukraine |
an East European country bordered primarily by Poland, Russia, and the Black Sea. |
Ukrainian |
of or pertaining to Ukraine or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
ukulele |
a small guitarlike musical instrument with four strings that was popularized in Hawaii. |
ulcer |
an inflamed open sore on or in the body that is marked by death of tissue and the production of pus, esp. such a sore in the stomach or small intestine. [2 definitions] |
ulcerate |
to develop an ulcer, as an infected wound. [2 definitions] |
ulcerous |
characterized by or having an ulcer or ulcers. [2 definitions] |
-ule |
small. |
ulema |
a body of Muslim scholars with specialist knowledge of Islam and Islamic law. |
-ulent |
characterized by, esp. in quantity; full of; abounding in. |
ulna |
the bone of the human forearm that is on the side opposite the thumb. [2 definitions] |
-ulous |
tending to; characterized by. |
Ulster |
(informal) Northern Ireland. [3 definitions] |