undercurrent |
a feeling, tendency, mood, attitude, or the like that underlies and often contradicts surface appearances. [2 definitions] |
undercut |
to cut or cut away under or beneath, usu. so as to create an overhang. [6 definitions] |
underdevelop |
to develop (something) to less than the required or desirable degree. |
underdeveloped |
not fully developed; immature, stunted, or deficient. [2 definitions] |
underdo |
to do less than is needed or wanted. |
underdog |
a contestant who is expected to lose, as in sports or politics. [2 definitions] |
underdone |
inadequately cooked, as meat. |
underdressed |
too informally dressed for the occasion. |
underemployed |
employed at work that does not use one's full ability, training, or the like. [3 definitions] |
underestimate |
to appraise at too low a quantity, rate, strength, value, or the like. [2 definitions] |
underexpose |
to expose (film) to too little light or for too short a time, resulting in lack of contrast. |
underfeed |
to feed too little or too seldom. [2 definitions] |
underfoot |
under or below the feet. [2 definitions] |
underfur |
the fine soft fur under the coarse outer hair of certain animals, such as beavers, seals, and some dogs. |
undergarment |
a garment worn under other clothing, usu. next to the skin; underwear. |
undergird |
to strengthen or secure from beneath, as by passing a rope or chain about. [2 definitions] |
undergo |
to be subjected to, esp. to endure or suffer. |
undergraduate |
a college or university student who has not yet earned a degree. [3 definitions] |
underground |
located, living, taking place, or operating beneath the earth's surface. [9 definitions] |
underground railroad |
(often cap.) a secret system established by former slaves and abolitionists before the U.S. Civil War to help fugitive slaves reach places of safety. |
undergrowth |
low plant growth beneath and around taller trees. |