uneatable |
combined form of eatable. |
uneaten |
combined form of eaten. |
uneccentric |
combined form of eccentric. |
unecological |
combined form of ecological. |
uneconomical |
combined form of economical |
unedifying |
combined form of edifying. |
unedited |
not edited or revised for publication. [2 definitions] |
uneducable |
combined form of educable. |
uneducated |
combined form of educated. |
unelaborate |
combined form of elaborate. |
unelected |
combined form of elected. |
unembarrassed |
combined form of embarrassed. |
unembellished |
combined form of embellished. |
unembittered |
combined form of embittered. |
unemotional |
combined form of emotional |
unemphatic |
combined form of emphatic. |
unemphatically |
combined form of emphatically. |
unempirical |
combined form of empirical. |
unemployable |
unsuitable or unacceptable for employment. [2 definitions] |
unemployed |
not currently employed; jobless. [3 definitions] |
unemployment |
the condition of not having a job. [2 definitions] |