unmonitored |
combined form of monitored. |
unmoral |
having no quality of or relationship to morality; amoral. |
unmotivated |
combined form of motivated. |
unmounted |
combined form of mounted. |
unmovable |
combined form of movable. |
unmoved |
combined form of moved. |
unmoving |
not moving; motionless. [2 definitions] |
unmusical |
combined form of musical. |
unmuzzle |
to remove a muzzle from (an animal). [2 definitions] |
unmysterious |
combined form of mysterious. |
unnameable |
combined form of nameable. |
unnamed |
combined form of named. |
unnatural |
contrary to or violating natural laws or processes. [4 definitions] |
unnecessary |
not required or essential; needless. |
unneeded |
combined form of needed. |
unnegotiable |
combined form of negotiable. |
unneighborly |
combined form of neighborly. |
unnerve |
to deprive of composure, courage, determination, or the like; disconcert; discourage. |
unneurotic |
combined form of neurotic. |
unnewsworthy |
combined form of newsworthy. |
unnoted |
not noted; unobserved; unacknowledged. |