unremembered |
combined form of remembered. |
unreminiscent |
combined form of reminiscent. |
unremitting |
not stopping or lessening; persistent; unceasing. |
unremorseful |
combined form of remorseful. |
unremovable |
combined form of removable. |
unrenowned |
combined form of renowned. |
unrepeatable |
combined form of repeatable. |
unrepentance |
combined form of repentance. |
unrepentant |
combined form of repentant. |
unreported |
combined form of reported. |
unrepresentative |
combined form of representative. |
unrepresentativeness |
combined form of representativeness. |
unrepresented |
combined form of represented. |
unrepressed |
combined form of repressed. |
unrequited |
not requited. |
unreserved |
not held back; given without reservation or limit. [3 definitions] |
unresistant |
combined form of resistant. |
unresolvable |
combined form of resolvable. |
unresolved |
not settled or dealt with successfully. |
unrespectable |
combined form of respectable. |
unresponsive |
combined form of responsive. |