unshaded |
combined form of shaded. |
unshakable |
not able to be diverted or distracted; firm, as in purpose. |
unshaken |
combined form of shaken. |
unshapely |
combined form of shapely. |
unshared |
combined form of shared. |
unsharp |
combined form of sharp. |
unshaven |
combined form of shaven. |
unsheathe |
to pull (a sword, knife, or the like) from a sheath. |
unshelled |
combined form of shelled. |
unship |
to remove or discharge (cargo or passengers) from a ship. [3 definitions] |
unshockable |
combined form of shockable. |
unshorn |
combined form of shorn. |
unshowy |
combined form of showy. |
unsightly |
unpleasant or disagreeable to look at; unattractive; ugly. |
unsigned |
combined form of signed. |
unsinkable |
combined form of sinkable. |
unskilled |
without particular skills or technical training. [3 definitions] |
unskillful |
not skillful; crude; clumsy. |
unslaked |
combined form of slaked. |
unsling |
to take out of a sling, or to remove from a slung position. [2 definitions] |
unsmart |
combined form of smart. |