uphold |
to support or affirm, esp. in the face of a challenge. [2 definitions] |
upholster |
to provide (furniture) with springs, padding, and a covering. |
upholstery |
materials such as springs, padding, and fabric that are used to cover couches, chairs, or the like. [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "United Press International." |
up in arms |
stirred to fight; indignant. |
up in the air |
undecided, unsettled, or uncertain. |
upkeep |
the maintenance required to keep something or someone in good condition. [2 definitions] |
upland |
the elevated or higher parts of land in a region. [2 definitions] |
uplift |
to improve the spiritual, moral, or social condition or mood of. [3 definitions] |
upload |
to transfer (data, files, or programs) from one's own computer to another, often larger, computer or a network. [2 definitions] |
upmost |
(informal) uppermost. |
upon |
on. [4 definitions] |
up one's sleeve |
held secretly or in reserve. |
upper |
higher in place, rank, position, or level. [6 definitions] |
Upper Carboniferous |
see "Pennsylvanian." |
upper-case |
of printed letters, capital. [2 definitions] |
upper case |
in printing, the tray containing the type for capital letters and special characters. |
upper-class |
of, relating to, or belonging to a high social class. [2 definitions] |
upper class |
the most prominent or richest group of people in a society. |
upperclassman |
a member of the junior or senior class in a high school, college, or university. |
upper crust |
(informal) the most prominent or richest group of people in a society; upper class. |