upper crust |
(informal) the most prominent or richest group of people in a society; upper class. |
uppercut |
a quick blow that is directed upward, usu. to an opponent's chin. [2 definitions] |
upper hand |
a position of domination, control, or advantage. |
upper house |
(often cap.) the smaller, less representative branch of a bicameral legislature, such as the U.S. Senate. |
uppermost |
highest in place, rank, influence, or importance. [2 definitions] |
Upper Volta |
see "Burkina Faso." |
uppity |
(informal, often considered offensive) haughty and arrogant; snobbish. |
upraise |
to elevate or lift up; raise up. |
uprear |
to lift or raise. [2 definitions] |
upright |
in a vertical position. [8 definitions] |
upright piano |
a piano with the strings mounted vertically within a rectangular case. |
uprise |
to stand up or get up; rise up. [6 definitions] |
uprising |
the act or an instance of rebelling or rising up against authority; insurrection. |
upriver |
in the direction of, or at a point closer to, the source of a river. |
uproar |
a loud, confused disturbance; commotion; tumult. [2 definitions] |
uproarious |
causing loud or uncontrollable laughter; hilarious. [2 definitions] |
uproot |
to pull up or tear out of the ground by the roots. [2 definitions] |
upscale |
designating, relating to, or of people who are, or who are becoming, affluent. [2 definitions] |
upset |
to tip over; overturn. [13 definitions] |
upset the apple cart |
to spoil a plan or procedure; ruin something. |
upsetting |
causing emotional or physical upset; disturbing; distressing. |