urogenital |
of or concerning the urinary or genital organs; genitourinary. |
urology |
the area of medicine that deals with the physiology and disorders of the urinary or genitourinary tracts. |
uroscopy |
in medicine, diagnostic examination of the urine. |
Ursa Major |
a circumpolar constellation in the northern sky, located between Ursa Minor and Leo and containing a double star, Mizar; Big Dipper. |
Ursa Minor |
a circumpolar constellation in the northern sky, located between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia and containing the North Star, Polaris; Little Dipper. |
ursine |
of, relating to, or resembling a bear or bears. |
Ursprache |
(German) the parent form of a language that has been constructed from hypotheses based on analysis of later forms for which there is evidence. |
Ursuline |
a member of an order of Roman Catholic nuns devoted to teaching. |
urticaria |
a temporary skin disorder, often caused by an allergic reaction or stress, and characterized by pale, irregular, itching welts; hives. |
Urubamba River |
a Peruvian river that flows northward from the Andes in southern Peru. |
Uruguay |
a southeastern South American country on the Atlantic, between Brazil and Argentina. |
urus |
an extinct wild ox, formerly found in Europe and believed to be the ancestor of domestic cattle. |
U.S. |
abbreviation of "United States," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii; United States of America (prec. by, "the"). |
us |
the speaker and another or others; the objective case of "we," used as a direct or indirect object of a verb or as an object of a preposition. |
U.S.A. |
abbreviation of "United States of America," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States" (prec. by, "the"). |
usable |
capable of or fit for being used. |
abbreviation of "United States Air Force." |
usage |
the way or amount of using or treating something, or the acts of using something viewed collectively. [3 definitions] |
an abbreviation for "United States Citizenship and Immigration Services." The USCIS is the government department that deals with people who have moved to the United States and with people who want to become citizens of the United States. |
abbreviation of "United States Department of Agriculture." |
use |
to bring into service; employ, esp. habitually. [12 definitions] |