abbreviation of "United States Ship." |
U.S.S.R. |
abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Soviet Union. |
ustulate |
blackened, as if scorched or burnt on the surface. |
usu. |
abbreviation of "usually," in most instances; customarily. |
usual |
encountered, experienced, used, or happening in most instances; customary. [3 definitions] |
usually |
ordinarily or most often; generally; typically. |
usufruct |
in civil law, the right to use or gain the benefits of another's property, provided that one does not damage, waste, or otherwise alter it. |
usurer |
a person who lends money at excessive or illegal rates of interest. |
usurious |
engaged in lending money at excessive or illegal rates of interest. [2 definitions] |
usurp |
to take and hold (a right, position, office, or the like) illegally, wrongfully, or by force. [3 definitions] |
usurpation |
the unlawful or violent seizure of royal power. [2 definitions] |
usury |
the act or practice of lending money at excessive or illegal interest rates. [2 definitions] |
UT |
abbreviation of "Utah," a western U.S. state between Nevada and Colorado. |
Utah |
a western U.S. state between Nevada and Colorado. (abbr.: UT) |
Ute |
one of an American Indian people now mainly residing in Utah and Colorado. [2 definitions] |
utensil |
a device, instrument, or container, esp. one used in a kitchen. |
uterine |
of or relating to the uterus. [2 definitions] |
uterus |
the muscular organ of a female mammal in which the fertilized ovum is held and develops before birth; womb. [2 definitions] |
utilitarian |
of, concerning, or aiming at usefulness. [4 definitions] |
utilitarianism |
the nineteenth-century ethical doctrine that usefulness is the greatest good and that human action should tend to produce the greatest good or happiness for the greatest number of people. |
utility |
the quality or condition of being useful; usefulness. [5 definitions] |