vacuity |
the state of being empty; emptiness. [4 definitions] |
vacuole |
a membranous enclosure within a cell that contains substances isolated from the protoplasm, such as dissolved acids. [2 definitions] |
vacuous |
lacking any content; empty. [2 definitions] |
vacuum |
a space empty of all matter. [5 definitions] |
vacuum bottle |
a bottle or flask with a vacuum between its double walls which helps to sustain the original temperature of the contents; thermos. |
vacuum cleaner |
an electrical appliance that cleans floors, carpets, and the like by suction; vacuum sweeper. |
vacuum-packed |
packed in a container from which as much of the air as possible has been removed before sealing. |
vacuum-sealed |
of or relating to a packaged material that has had all the air removed. |
vacuum tube |
an electron tube, formerly used in radio and electronics, from which the air has been evacuated, enabling electrons to move freely within the vacuum. |
vade mecum |
(Latin) a resource that a person carries around constantly, such as a guidebook, manual, or map. |
Vaduz |
the capital of Liechtenstein. |
vagabond |
having no permanent home; wandering from place to place; nomadic. [6 definitions] |
vagabondage |
the state or condition of being a vagabond or vagrant. |
vagary |
an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant occurrence, action, or idea; whim. |
vagina |
in most female mammals, the passage leading from the uterus to the external genital opening; birth canal. [3 definitions] |
vaginal |
of or relating to the vagina. |
vaginate |
having a vagina or sheath. [2 definitions] |
vaginismus |
a painful spasm or muscle contraction of the vagina. |
vaginitis |
inflammation of the vagina. |
vagotomy |
the surgical cutting of the vagus nerve, done to reduce the secretion of acid in the stomach, esp. to relieve a peptic ulcer. |
vagrancy |
the condition of being a vagrant, or a vagrant's conduct and way of living. [3 definitions] |