vagrancy |
the condition of being a vagrant, or a vagrant's conduct and way of living. [3 definitions] |
vagrant |
one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp. [5 definitions] |
vague |
inexact, unclear, or indistinct in form or character. [3 definitions] |
vagus |
either one of the tenth and longest pair of cranial nerves that innervate the ear, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, heart, lungs, and most abdominal organs. |
vain |
not leading to a desirable or lasting effect; futile; fruitless. [4 definitions] |
vainglorious |
excessively proud or vain; filled with vainglory. [2 definitions] |
vainglory |
excessive pride in one's own appearance, abilities, or achievements; vanity. [2 definitions] |
Vaishnava |
in Hinduism, a sect that is devoted to Vishnu, or a member of this sect. |
Vaisya |
a member of the Hindu caste of farmers and businesspersons. |
valance |
a short decorative piece of drapery placed across the top of a table, canopy, bed frame, or the like. [2 definitions] |
vale1 |
a valley. |
vale2 |
(Latin) farewell; good-bye. |
valediction |
the act of saying farewell. [3 definitions] |
valedictorian |
a student, usu. the one ranking highest academically, who delivers a speech on behalf of the graduating class at a school or college commencement. [2 definitions] |
valedictory |
on or pertaining to an occasion of saying farewell. [2 definitions] |
valence |
in chemistry, the quality that determines the number of atoms or chemical groups with which a given atom can form simultaneous covalent bonds. [2 definitions] |
valence electrons |
electrons in the outer shell of an atom that largely determine its properties and that can be transferred to, or shared with, another atom. |
-valent |
having (such) a valence or valences. |
valentine |
a greeting card, gift, or the like sent as a token of affection on Valentine's Day. [2 definitions] |
Valentine's Day |
a holiday celebrated on February 14 of each year, observed mostly by the exchanging of tokens of affection or friendship; Saint Valentine's Day. |
valerian |
any of various plants bearing dense clusters of white, pink, red, or purple flowers and having a root that is used for medicinal purposes. [2 definitions] |