varoom |
variant of vroom. |
varsity |
the primary team that competes in a sport or other extramural contest on behalf of a school, college, or the like. [2 definitions] |
vary |
to change; alter; modify. [4 definitions] |
vas |
an anatomical or biological vessel or duct. |
Vasco da Gama |
a Portuguese explorer who established the first all-water trade route between Europe and India (b.1460?--d.1524). |
Vasco Núñez de Balboa |
a Spanish explorer and the first European discoverer of the Pacific Ocean (b.1475?--d.1519?). |
vascular |
composed of, containing, or having to do with tubes or ducts that carry a fluid, such as blood or lymph in animals or sap in plants, or with a system of such tubes or ducts. |
vascular bundle |
in botany, an aggregate plant unit composed of strands of conductive and supportive tissue. |
vasculitis |
inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel. |
vas deferens |
the duct that carries sperm from the testicle to the ejaculatory duct of the penis. |
vase |
an open container of glass, porcelain, pottery, or the like, usu. taller than it is wide, used as an ornament or to hold cut flowers. |
vasectomy |
a surgical operation in which a male's sperm-carrying tube is cut and tied or removed, as a means of birth control. |
Vaseline |
trademark for petrolatum. |
vaso- |
blood vessel. [2 definitions] |
vasoconstriction |
constriction or narrowing of a blood vessel or vessels, as in response to a nerve impulse. |
vasoconstrictor |
a nerve or drug that causes constriction of the blood vessels. [2 definitions] |
vasodilatation |
see "vasodilation." |
vasodilation |
dilation or widening of a blood vessel or vessels, as in response to a nerve impulse. |
vasodilator |
a nerve or drug that causes dilation of the blood vessels. [2 definitions] |
vasoinhibitor |
a drug or other agent that inhibits the action of the vasomotor nerves. |
vasomotor |
controlling the width of blood vessels, as some nerves or certain drugs; causing vasoconstriction or vasodilatation. |