Very signal |
a colored signal flare fired from a special pistol for signaling at night; Very light. |
vesicant |
giving rise to blisters, as certain medicines and chemicals; blistering. [2 definitions] |
vesicate |
to cause blisters on; blister. |
vesicle |
a small hollow cell or cavity in a living organism. [3 definitions] |
vesper |
a bell rung to summon worshipers to the evening service. [5 definitions] |
vesper sparrow |
a North American sparrow with gray-brown plumage and white outer tail feathers that sings in the evenings. |
vespertilionid |
any of several long-tailed insectivorous bats. |
vespertine |
of, pertaining to, or occurring in the evening; twilight. [3 definitions] |
vespiary |
a nest or colony of social wasps or hornets. |
vespid |
any of several wasps, including both social and solitary species. |
vessel |
a hollow device used as a receptacle, esp. for liquids; container. [4 definitions] |
vest |
a waist-length, fitted, sleeveless, and usu. collarless garment, usu. worn over a shirt or blouse and often under a jacket; weskit. [8 definitions] |
Vesta |
in Roman mythology, the goddess of the hearth; Hestia. |
vestal |
of, pertaining to, or sacred to the Roman goddess Vesta. [4 definitions] |
vestal virgin |
in ancient Rome, one of the six virgins who vowed to remain chaste and tended the fire in the temple of Vesta. |
vested interest |
in law, a right that cannot be eliminated, such as a right to a future benefit. [3 definitions] |
vestee |
a small decorative garment worn by women over the front. (Cf. dickey.) |
vestiary |
of or pertaining to clothes or vestments. [2 definitions] |
vestibule |
a small hall or passageway at the entrance to a building; foyer. [3 definitions] |
vestige |
a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing. [2 definitions] |
vestigial |
of, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one. |