virile |
having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine. [3 definitions] |
virology |
the scientific study of viruses and of the diseases they cause. |
virtu |
an appreciation for or knowledge of fine objects of art, antiques, or the like. [2 definitions] |
virtual |
not actually being true or real, but closely approximating the truth or reality and having the same effect as if true or real. [3 definitions] |
virtually |
practically; almost completely; very nearly. |
virtual reality |
computer-generated images and sounds that simulate a real environment. |
virtue |
moral excellence; righteousness. [5 definitions] |
virtueless |
combined form of virtue. |
virtuosity |
exceptional ability, style, or skill, esp. as expressed in the fine arts. |
virtuoso |
a person who demonstrates exceptional ability, style, or skill, esp. in music. [2 definitions] |
virtuous |
characterized by moral excellence or righteousness. [2 definitions] |
virulent |
highly poisonous, or extremely injurious to health. [3 definitions] |
virus |
any of a large group of submicroscopic agents that reproduce only in living cells and are disease-producing in humans, animals, and plants. [4 definitions] |
vis |
(Latin) force, power, or strength. |
visa |
permission granted by an appropriate national official, and so indicated on a passport, that its bearer may travel within that nation. [2 definitions] |
visage |
the face of a person, statue, or the like, esp. in regard to its appearance or expression. |
vis-à-vis |
face-to-face. [4 definitions] |
viscera |
the internal organs of the body, esp. those in the thorax and abdomen. [2 definitions] |
visceral |
of, concerning, or affecting the viscera, the internal organs of the body, esp. those of the thorax and abdomen. [4 definitions] |
viscid |
of a gluelike consistency. [2 definitions] |
viscose |
a viscous solution of treated cellulose used in making such products as rayon and cellophane. [4 definitions] |