viscose |
a viscous solution of treated cellulose used in making such products as rayon and cellophane. [4 definitions] |
viscosity |
the state or property of being adhesive and gluey. [2 definitions] |
viscount |
a nobleman that ranks just beneath an earl or count and above a baron. |
viscountess |
the wife or widow of a viscount. [2 definitions] |
viscous |
having an adhesive, gluey consistency that resists flow. |
viscus |
sing. of viscera. |
visé |
a visa. [2 definitions] |
vise |
any of a variety of tools used to grip objects by means of two jawlike parts that are usu. moved by a screw or lever. [2 definitions] |
Vishnu |
the second member of the Hindu trinity, known as "The Preserver" and believed to have been incarnated in Krishna. |
visibility |
the state or fact of being visible. [2 definitions] |
visible |
able to be seen; perceptible through sight. [2 definitions] |
Visigoth |
a member of the western division of the Goths, who invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth century and established a kingdom in France and Spain. (Cf. Ostrogoth.) |
vision |
the ability to perceive through sight. [6 definitions] |
visionary |
characterized by whimsical notions or impractical plans. [7 definitions] |
visionless |
combined form of vision. |
visit |
to go or come to see (someone or some place). [9 definitions] |
visitable |
combined form of visit. |
visitant |
one who makes a visit. [3 definitions] |
visitation |
the act of visiting. [5 definitions] |
visiting fireman |
(informal) an important or influential person who is given a special welcome and entertained lavishly when visiting a city, organization, or the like. [2 definitions] |
visitor |
one who makes a visit. |