vitamin b1 |
thiamine. |
vitamin b12 |
a compound found in meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products, required in human nutrition for producing red blood cells and maintaining nerves and muscles; cobalamin. |
vitamin B2 |
riboflavin. |
vitamin b3 |
niacin. |
vitamin b6 |
a compound found in meats, green vegetables, and whole grains, required in human nutrition for metabolism; pyridoxine. |
vitamin B complex |
a group of vitamins essential in human nutrition, found mainly in eggs, liver, yeast, and certain vegetables. |
vitamin C |
ascorbic acid. |
vitamin D |
in human nutrition, a sterol produced in the liver, or any of several closely related sterols found in fish, eggs, or fortified milk, required for proper bone development and calcium absorption. |
vitamin E |
a compound found in vegetable oils and whole grains, required in human nutrition for the maintenance of blood cells, membranes, and liver and brain tissue; tocopherol. |
vitamin K |
in human nutrition, a substance produced in the intestines by bacteria, or acquired in the diet from milk or green vegetables, required for the synthesis of blood-clotting proteins. |
vitamin P |
bioflavonoid. |
vitellus |
an egg yolk. |
vitiate |
to make (a legal document or the like) ineffective or invalid. [2 definitions] |
viticulture |
the cultivation of grapes, or the study or art of growing grapes. |
vitreous |
having the nature or characteristics of glass, such as hardness or transparency. [3 definitions] |
vitreous humor |
the transparent, colorless jelly that fills the eyeball between the lens and the retina. |
vitrify |
to make into or become glass, usu. through a heating process. [2 definitions] |
vitrine |
a glass showcase or glass-fronted cabinet in which art objects, specimens, fine china, or the like are displayed. |
vitriol |
sulfuric acid. [4 definitions] |
vitriolic |
severely harsh and biting, esp. verbally. [2 definitions] |
vitriolize |
to change or convert into vitriol. [2 definitions] |