volatile |
rapidly changeable, esp. tending to become violent. [3 definitions] |
volatility |
the condition or property of being volatile. |
volatilize |
to become volatile or dissipate as vapor. [2 definitions] |
vol-au-vent |
a large light flaky pastry shell filled with chicken, game, or fish in a cream sauce. |
volcanic |
of, characterized by, or relating to a volcano or volcanoes. [3 definitions] |
volcanic glass |
a natural glass produced by the rapid cooling of lava, such as obsidian or pitchstone. |
volcanism |
the force, activity, or phenomena associated with volcanoes. |
volcano |
a vent in the earth's crust through which molten rock, ash, gases, and the like are expelled. [2 definitions] |
volcanologist |
one who studies or works professionally in the field of volcanology. |
volcanology |
the scientific study of volcanic phenomena. |
vole |
any of several small rodents similar to mice but having short limbs and tails. |
Volga |
a major river, the longest in Europe, flowing through central Russia and emptying into the Caspian Sea. |
Volga River |
a major river, the longest in Europe, flowing through central Russia and emptying into the Caspian Sea. |
volition |
the act of willing, deciding, or choosing. [2 definitions] |
volitive |
of, relating to, or arising from the will. [2 definitions] |
volley |
a simultaneous discharge of firearms or other weapons. [7 definitions] |
volleyball |
a court game in which two teams hit a large inflated ball back and forth over a high net, and in which points are scored for grounding a ball in the opponent's court. [2 definitions] |
volplane |
to glide in or as if in an airplane with the engine turned off. [2 definitions] |
Volstead Act |
an act of Congress passed in 1919 and repealed in 1933, enforcing the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages. |
volt1 |
a unit of electromotive force equal to the force that carries one ampere of current through one ohm resistance. (abbr.: V) |
volt2 |
an equestrian maneuver in which the horse moves sideways around a center. [2 definitions] |