walking papers |
(informal) notice of dismissal or termination, esp. from a job. |
walking stick |
a stick, cane, or staff used for support, balance, or the like when walking. [2 definitions] |
Walkman |
trademark for a pocket-sized stereo cassette tape player used with headphones, usu. by a single individual. [2 definitions] |
walk off with |
to win or obtain unexpectedly or easily. [2 definitions] |
walk of life |
occupation or social status. |
walk-on |
a small role in a theatrical, film, or television production, requiring very little or no speaking. [2 definitions] |
walk on air |
to be extremely happy. |
walkout |
a workers' strike. [2 definitions] |
walk out |
to leave suddenly, esp. as an indication of anger or protest. [4 definitions] |
walkover |
an unopposed or effortless victory in a sports event, election, or other contest. [2 definitions] |
walk-through |
a preliminary or first rehearsal of a play, show, or the like, in which the actors first rehearse their movements on stage. |
walkup |
an apartment or office located above the ground floor in a building with no elevator. [2 definitions] |
walkway |
a path or passage designed for use by pedestrians. |
wall |
an upright structure with a height much greater than its thickness, used for separation, protection, or enclosure. [8 definitions] |
wallaby |
any of various marsupials native to Australia and strongly resembling small or medium-sized kangaroos. |
wallaroo |
any of several large kangaroos of Australia, esp. a reddish gray one inhabiting rocky hills. |
wallboard |
a building material manufactured in large thin slabs used mainly for constructing interior walls and ceilings. |
wallet |
a small flat pocketbook, usu. of leather, with compartments for paper money, credit cards, personal documents, and the like; billfold. |
walleye |
a fairly large freshwater food and game fish of North America resembling the pike and having large staring eyes. [2 definitions] |
walleyed |
having an eye with a whitish cornea. [4 definitions] |
walleyed pike |
see "walleye." |