War of 1812 |
the war between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815. |
War of American Independence |
see "American Revolution." |
war of nerves |
a conflict consisting primarily of psychological techniques, as of confusion or intimidation, rather than overt military or physical action. |
warp |
to bend or twist out of shape, esp. from a flat or straight form. [10 definitions] |
war paint |
pigments applied to the face and body by warriors, as those of some American Indian tribes, before a battle. |
warpath |
among Native Americans, a condition of preparing for, traveling in search of, or engaging in war or warlike actions (prec. by on "the"). |
warp knit |
a fabric or garment knitted by machine in such a manner that runs do not occur in it. |
warplane |
an aircraft used or designed for combat. |
warrant |
in law, a judicial order or writ giving an officer of the law the right to make searches, seize property, make arrests, or execute judgments. [9 definitions] |
warrantable |
combined form of warrant. |
warrantee |
one to whom a warrant has been made or given. |
warrantless |
combined form of warrant. |
warrant officer |
an officer in the U.S. armed forces that ranks above noncommissioned officers and below commissioned officers and holds office on a warrant instead of a commission. |
warrantor |
one who gives or makes a warranty. |
warranty |
a document given to the buyer of an article in which the maker agrees, within a limited period of time, to repair or replace the article if it is defective. [3 definitions] |
warren |
a network of many rabbit burrows. [2 definitions] |
warrior |
a person who fights or has experience in battle; soldier. [2 definitions] |
Warsaw |
the capital of Poland. |
warship |
a ship equipped or built for combat. |
Wars of the Roses |
the civil war waged in England between the houses of York and Lancaster from 1455 to 1485, ending with their union and the accession of Henry VII. |
wart |
a small round, usu. hard raised growth on the skin, often of the hands or feet, that is caused by a virus. [3 definitions] |