watch |
to use one's eyes to observe (something) with uninterrupted attention. [10 definitions] |
watchable |
combined form of watch. |
watchband |
a band or strap of leather, cloth, or flexible metal links, designed to hold a wristwatch on the wrist. |
watchcase |
the metal or plastic covering of a watch's mechanism. |
watchdog |
a dog trained to guard property against intruders. [2 definitions] |
watcher |
a person who watches, esp. one who keeps vigil. |
watch fire |
a nocturnal fire used as a signal or for providing heat and light to guards. |
watchful |
closely or attentively observant; alert; vigilant. |
watch it |
to be wary or careful. |
watchmaker |
someone who makes or fixes watches. |
watchman |
a man who keeps watch over or guards something, such as a building, esp. at night. |
watch night |
New Year's Eve, or a religious meeting or service held at this time. |
watch oneself |
to proceed with care. [2 definitions] |
watch one's p's and q's |
to be careful in one's behavior, esp. not to give offense. |
watch out |
to be alert and careful with respect to some danger (often fol. by "for" or a clause beginning with "that"). [2 definitions] |
watch pocket |
a small pocket, as in a vest or trousers, for carrying a watch. |
watchtower |
a tower from which someone may keep watch or observe. |
watchword |
a secret word or phrase; password. [2 definitions] |
water |
a transparent, tasteless, and odorless liquid that takes the form of rain, rivers, oceans, and lakes and is required to sustain most forms of life. [14 definitions] |
water bed |
a bed whose mattress is a bag made of vinyl or other waterproof material filled with water. |
water beetle |
any of various aquatic beetles, characterized by a smooth oval body and flattened or fringed hind legs adapted for swimming. |