water plant |
a plant that lives submerged in water or that has its roots in or under water. |
water polo |
a water game played with an inflated ball by two teams of seven swimmers, each team attempting to carry, push, or pass the ball into the other's goal. |
water power |
the power of flowing water, esp. when used to run machinery, as for generating electricity. [3 definitions] |
waterproof |
not affected by water; not absorbent. [3 definitions] |
waterproofing |
a substance that waterproofs. [2 definitions] |
water rat |
any of various semiaquatic rodents of Australia, Florida, and southern Georgia, that resemble the muskrat. [2 definitions] |
water-repellent |
resisting penetration by water, but not entirely waterproof. |
water-resistant |
resisting penetration by water, but not entirely waterproof. |
water right |
the right to use water from a certain lake, canal, stream, or the like. [2 definitions] |
watershed |
the area of land that drains into a river, river system, lake, or the like. [3 definitions] |
waterside |
land on the edge of a body of water; shore. [3 definitions] |
water-ski |
to ski on water while holding and being pulled by a line attached to a motorboat. |
water snake |
any of numerous harmless snakes living in or near water. |
water-soak |
to soak or saturate with water. |
water softener |
a chemical compound added to hard water to soften it. [2 definitions] |
water soluble |
of a solid or gas, capable of being dissolved in water. |
water spaniel |
a large, curly-haired spaniel, often used to retrieve waterfowl. |
waterspout |
a pipe or hole from which water pours, often for diverting rainwater. [2 definitions] |
water sprite |
in folklore, a spirit or nymph that lives in or near water. |
water strider |
any of various insects having long, slender legs on which they dart about on the surface of calm water. |
water table |
a depth of earth below which the ground is saturated with water. |