water table |
a depth of earth below which the ground is saturated with water. |
watertight |
constructed so tightly that water cannot enter or leave. [2 definitions] |
water torture |
a form of torture involving the incessant dripping of water on the forehead of an immobilized victim. |
water tower |
an elevated tank used to store water at a height sufficient to maintain pressure in a water system. [2 definitions] |
water vapor |
water in the form of gas, esp. at a temperature below the boiling point. |
waterway |
a body of water, such as a river or stream, large enough for transportation. |
water wheel |
a wheel turned by the weight of falling or running water, used to operate machinery. [2 definitions] |
water wings |
an air-filled, wing-shaped device used to support the body of someone learning to swim. |
water witch |
a person who searches for underground water with a divining rod; dowser. [3 definitions] |
waterworks |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a system for storing, distributing, and purifying the water of a city or town. |
waterworn |
worn, smoothed, or polished by the action of moving water. |
watery |
pertaining to or consisting of water. [5 definitions] |
acronym of "Wide Area Telecommunications Service." |
watt |
a unit of electrical power equal to the current of one ampere produced by the electromotive force of one volt, or to one joule per second. (abbr.: w, W) |
wattage |
electrical power expressed in watts. [2 definitions] |
watt-hour |
a unit of electrical energy equal to the energy of one watt operating for one hour, or 3,600 joules. |
wattle |
a woven construction of twigs or branches used in building walls, fences, or roofs. [5 definitions] |
wattmeter |
an instrument used to measure in watts the electrical power available in a given circuit. |
Watusi |
a member of a people of Rwanda and Burundi. |
waul |
to cry like a newborn baby or a cat; howl; wail; squall. |
Wave |
a member of the WAVES. |