welter |
to become involved or entangled, often overwhelmingly. [4 definitions] |
welterweight |
a boxer who weighs between 136 and 147 pounds. |
Weltschmerz |
world pain (German); pessimism or melancholy, esp. over lamentable conditions in the world. |
wen1 |
a benign fatty tumor of the skin, esp. on the head; sebaceous cyst. |
wen2 |
an Old English rune that eventually became the English letter "w". |
wench |
formerly, a girl or young woman, esp. from the country. [3 definitions] |
wend |
to go along or proceed on (one's way). |
went |
past tense of go1. |
wept |
past tense and past participle of weep. |
were |
2nd person sing. past tense and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person pl. past tense of be. |
we're |
contracted form of "we are." |
weren't |
contracted form of "were not." |
werewolf |
in folklore, a person who has changed into or is capable of changing into a wolf and back into a human again; lycanthrope. |
weskit |
a vest or waistcoat, esp. for women. |
west |
the direction behind a person facing the rising sun. [8 definitions] |
West Bank |
an area in the Middle East between the west bank of the Jordan River and the eastern border of Israel, formerly part of Jordan and occupied by Israel in 1967. |
West Berlin |
from 1949 to 1990, a small portion of West Germany located within the borders of East Germany. |
westbound |
going toward the west. |
West Coast |
the Pacific coast region of the United States, consisting of California, Oregon, and Washington. |
westerly |
of, related to, or toward the west. [3 definitions] |
western |
situated in, directed towards, coming from, or relating to the west. [4 definitions] |