windproof |
highly resistant to wind, as fabric or a garment. |
windrow |
a row of hay or grain raked together to dry before being stacked. [3 definitions] |
windscreen |
(chiefly British) a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind; windshield. |
windshield |
a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind. [2 definitions] |
windshield wiper |
a long, narrow piece of rubber attached to a metal blade that moves mechanically across a front or rear window of a car or other vehicle. A windshield wiper moves back and forth to remove raindrops, snow, leaves, dirt, or the like from the windshield. |
windsock |
a tapered open-ended cloth tube with the larger end pivoting from a pole, mounted as at airports to show the wind direction. |
Windsor |
a member of the British royal family since 1917, or the name of the family itself. |
Windsor chair |
a wooden chair having a spindle back, outward-slanting legs, and a saddle seat. |
Windsor knot |
a form of slipknot used to tie a four-in-hand necktie, that results in a wide triangular knot. |
Windsor tie |
a wide soft necktie, usu. of black silk, tied in a loose bow. |
windstorm |
a storm with high winds that may or may not be accompanied by precipitation. |
windsurf |
to stand on a special surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and move across the water by manipulating the sail. |
windsurfing |
a sport in which the participant stands on a special kind of surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and moves across the water by manipulating the sail. |
windswept |
exposed or subjected to the wind; windy or windblown. |
wind tee |
a large T-shaped weather vane, usu. found on or near airfields. |
wind tunnel |
a chamber through which air is forced and in which planes, motor vehicles, and the like, or scale models of them, are tested to determine the effects of wind pressure. |
wind turbine |
a device that generates electricity through the conversion of the wind's kinetic energy. |
windup |
the conclusion or last stages or activities of something. [3 definitions] |
wind up |
(informal) to bring (something) to an end. [4 definitions] |
windward |
to or toward the wind. [3 definitions] |
windy |
having a great or excessive amount of wind; characterized by wind. [4 definitions] |