Wisdom of Solomon |
a book of the Apocrypha. |
wisdom tooth |
the third and rearmost molar on each side of both the upper and lower jaws of humans that is the last tooth to erupt and one that sometimes causes problems, esp. when there is insufficient room for it to grow. |
-wise |
in (such) a way, direction, position, or manner. [2 definitions] |
wise1 |
having an understanding of that which is right, true or important together with having sound judgment. [5 definitions] |
wise2 |
fashion or manner of proceeding or doing; way. |
wiseacre |
one who is conceited or arrogantly self-assured. [2 definitions] |
wiseass |
(slang; often offensive) insolent; impudent. [2 definitions] |
wisecrack |
(informal) a clever or funny, and usu. sarcastic, remark or reply. [2 definitions] |
wise up |
(slang) to make or become aware. |
wish |
to long for; desire; want. [9 definitions] |
wishbone |
a forked bone found in front of the breastbone of most birds, formed by the fusion of the clavicles, and sometimes used, when taken from a cooked fowl, to make wishes over. |
wishful |
having or demonstrating a wish or desire. |
wishful thinking |
the interpretation of facts, actions, words, and the like in accordance with the meanings a person would like them to have rather than in terms of what they really are. |
wishy-washy |
indefinite, undecided, or feeble, as a person or utterance. [2 definitions] |
wisp |
a thin bundle, bunch, tuft, streak, or the like, as of straw, hair, or smoke. [4 definitions] |
wispy |
being or resembling a wisp. |
wisteria |
any of several related woody vines characterized by drooping clusters of flowers that resemble bunches of grapes, usu. in purple or white. |
wistful |
displaying or characterized by yearning or wishful sadness. |
wit1 |
(often pl.) the innate ability to perceive, think, or know; mental faculties; intelligence. [5 definitions] |
wit2 |
see "to wit." |
witch |
a woman who practices or is believed to practice occult magic; sorceress. (Cf. warlock.) [4 definitions] |