withy |
withe. [3 definitions] |
witless |
lacking or not using wit or intelligence; stupid; foolish. |
witling |
someone who tries to appear witty, esp. one who has little wit. |
witness |
to see or personally experience. [9 definitions] |
witness-box |
(chiefly British) the place in a court of law from which a witness testifies; witness stand. |
witness stand |
the place in a court of law from which a witness testifies. |
witted |
having (a certain kind of) wit or intelligence (used in combination). |
witticism |
a witty remark, joke, insult, or saying. |
witting |
knowing or aware. [2 definitions] |
witty |
displaying or characterized by clever, perceptive humor. [2 definitions] |
wives |
pl. of wife. |
wizard |
one who practices magic; sorcerer. [2 definitions] |
wizardry |
the magic practiced by a wizard; sorcery. [2 definitions] |
wizened |
shriveled or dried up. |
wk. |
abbreviation of "week." |
abbreviation of "Women's National Basketball Association," a U.S. sports league formed in 1996 that organizes and regulates the highest level of women's professional basketball competition. |
abbreviation of "west-northwest." |
w/o |
abbreviation of "without." |
woad |
a European plant, related to mustard, from the leaves of which a blue dye was formerly obtained. [2 definitions] |
wobble |
to move or tip unsteadily from side to side; be out of balance. [4 definitions] |
wobbly |
tending to tip unsteadily; shaky. |