wobbly |
tending to tip unsteadily; shaky. |
woe |
great suffering or sorrow. [2 definitions] |
woebegone |
displaying or full of distress. [2 definitions] |
woeful |
unhappy or sorrowful. [3 definitions] |
wok |
a large pan with a rounded bottom, used esp. for stir-frying in Oriental cookery. |
woke |
a past tense of wake1. [2 definitions] |
woken |
a past participle of wake1. |
wold |
a high area of open, rolling country without trees; moor. |
wolf |
any of various wild, flesh-eating canines that have bushy tails and erect ears and that hunt in packs. [6 definitions] |
wolfberry |
a hardy shrub of northwestern North America, related to honeysuckle, that bears pink flowers and white berries. |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
Austrian composer of European classical music (b.1756--d.1791). |
wolfhound |
any of various large dogs, such as the borzoi, used to hunt wolves and other large animals. |
wolf in sheep's clothing |
a person who hides his or her malicious or wicked intentions under an innocent outward appearance. |
wolfram |
tungsten. |
wolframite |
a brown or black mineral that is an important ore from which tungsten is extracted. |
wolfsbane |
any of several tall related Eurasian plants that bear bright yellow, hooded flowers. |
wolf spider |
a small- to medium-sized spider that hunts its prey rather than using a web. |
wolverine |
a carnivorous North American mammal related to the weasel, with dark, shaggy fur, white markings on the face and body, and a bushy tail. |
wolves |
pl. of wolf. |
woman |
an adult female human. [3 definitions] |
womanhood |
the state of being a woman. [3 definitions] |