Dictionary Suite



kam pl mnt
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Homophone Note, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: something that makes a fine accompaniment to something else, makes it complete or perfect, or creates a perfect balance for it.
The sauce makes a nice complement to the flavor of the meat.
accompaniment, finish, touch
similar words:
addition, clincher, consummation, crown, supplement
definition 2: an amount that makes up a full quantity, or the amount that is the maximum allowed.
When the complement of members was in attendance, the meeting began.Each soldier received his complement of rations and no more.
aggregate, entirety, sum, total, whole
definition 3: the part that when added to something else makes up a whole or makes up a full quantity of something.
The red tailored jacket and its complement, a pair of matching wool trousers, make up this very stylish suit.Our office here in New York, together with our complement in London, can see to the needs of our clients on both continents.
similar words:
addendum, addition, augmentation, correlate, correlative, correspondent, counterpart, enrichment, mate
definition 4: in grammar, a word or phrase that is necessary to complete a construction, such as "happy" in the sentence "He seems happy," or "a judge" in the sentence "She became a judge."
The complement of a verb is called a direct object (for example, the word "cake" in the sentence "I baked a cake"), but not all verbs require complements.
similar words:
correlative, ending, supplement
definition 5: in geometry, the difference between a right angle and a given angle that is less than ninety degrees.
definition 6: a heat-sensitive substance in normal blood serum and plasma that, in combination with antibodies, destroys antigens.
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part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: complements, complementing, complemented
definition: to make a fine accompaniment to, or to complete, perfect, or bring into perfect balance.
My father is outgoing and my mother is shy, and they complement each other in many other ways as well.This wine complements the fish very nicely.
cap, complete, conclude, crown, culminate, perfect
similar words:
climax, finish, round out, supplement
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Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word compliment (a flattering comment)? Complement and compliment sound alike, but they have different meanings.
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