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apostrophe1 a punctuation mark (') used to show possession. "Susan's clothes" and "citizens' rights" use apostrophes this way. [1/2 definitions]
apparel something that clothes or adorns. [1/4 definitions]
apron a piece of clothing that covers the front of the body. An apron is worn to keep clothes clean.
attire to dress up in fancy clothes. [1/2 definitions]
black black clothes. [1/13 definitions]
bombazine a finely woven twill cloth of silk or rayon with wool, often dyed black for use as mourning clothes.
boutique a small shop, esp. one specializing in gifts or fashionable clothes and accessories.
buckram a stiff cotton fabric used esp. in the binding of books and in the lining of some clothes. [1/2 definitions]
bureau a piece of furniture with drawers. People often keep clothes in a bureau. [1/2 definitions]
bushel2 to repair or alter (clothes).
canonicals clothes prescribed by church law for clergy who are conducting services.
change to remove and replace the clothes or coverings of. [1/18 definitions]
closet a small room or space for storing things such as clothes or supplies.
clothesline a rope, cord, or wire on which clothes, blankets, curtains, and the like are hung to dry or air.
clothespin a clip or forked peg of wood or plastic, used to hold clothes on a line for drying.
clothing things that you wear to cover the body; clothes.
clown an actor who wears odd clothes, does amusing tricks, and paints his or her face in order to make people laugh.
coat a piece of clothing that people wear over their clothes. It covers the body, arms, and some of a person's legs and is usually used to keep warm. [1/4 definitions]
cosplay the activity of wearing clothes, makeup, and accessories associated with a particular character in a movie, comic book, or the like. In addition, cosplay involves roleplay along with others who are engaging in cosplay. Cosplay developed in Japan and is practiced by fans of Japanese anime both in Japan and in other countries.
cost of living the average cost of food, shelter, clothes, and other basic necessities for a household or a single person.
costume a set of clothes suited to a particular season, occasion, or activity. [1/4 definitions]