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flyway a specific air route taken regularly by birds on their semiannual migrations to and from their breeding grounds.
going the condition of a route of travel. [1/6 definitions]
Iditarod an annual dogsled race in the U.S. state of Alaska run along a 1,160-mile route between the cities of Anchorage and Nome.
indirect not in a straight line, course, or route. [1/3 definitions]
Internet protocol address a unique numeric address assigned to an individual computer or other device in a network, used to route data to a destination; IP address.
itinerary a travel route, or a plan for travel including a route, stopping places, and schedule. [2/4 definitions]
lane an air or sea route. [1/7 definitions]
lifeline the only available route or means by which necessary or vital supplies can be transported. [1/5 definitions]
line1 a transportation system, such as a shipping line, rail line, or bus line, or a particular route taken by vehicles in the system. [1/21 definitions]
liner1 a commercial ship or airplane, esp. one carrying passengers on a regular route. [1/3 definitions]
ocean liner a large commercial ship designed for travel on the open seas, which transports passengers or cargo, typically on a regular route.
packet a boat used to transport passengers, goods, and mail on a specific route, esp. along rivers. [1/2 definitions]
paperboy a boy who delivers newspapers, usu. along a specified route.
papergirl a girl who delivers newspapers, usu. along a specified route.
pathway a route; path; course.
patrol to move regularly and repeatedly along or through (a route, building, or area) for the purpose of maintaining security and order. [1/3 definitions]
patrolman a male police officer or guard assigned to patrol a particular route or area.
patrolwoman a female police officer or guard assigned to patrol a particular route or area.
plot1 to mark in order to follow or examine, as a route on a map. [1/6 definitions]
ply1 to cross or travel a given route regularly. [1/6 definitions]
portage the overland route used for this purpose. [1/4 definitions]