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Multi-word Results
bell pepper a pepper plant that bears a mild-flavored edible fruit. [2 definitions]
betel pepper a climbing plant of tropical Asia; betel.
black pepper a spice made by grinding the whole dried berry of the pepper plant.
chili pepper the pod of a tropical pepper plant. A chili pepper has a strong, sharp flavor that makes food spicy when it is added to it.
green pepper a hollow, somewhat round, fruit that is eaten as a vegetable, especially in salads. The taste of a green pepper is not spicy. A green pepper is called that when the pepper is young and green. If the pepper is allowed to mature, it will become red.
hot pepper any of numerous peppers having sharp, pungent flesh ranging from mild to very hot. [2 definitions]
pepper grinder a device used generally in the home or in a restaurant for grinding pepper.
pepper mill a small hand mill used for grinding peppercorns.
pepper pot a West Indian stew made of meat or fish and vegetables, and flavored with cassava juice, red pepper, and other seasonings. [2 definitions]
pepper shaker a container with a perforated top, used to hold and dispense ground pepper.
pepper tree a South American ornamental evergreen tree bearing compound leaves and yellowish white flowers.
pepper-and-salt composed of or speckled with a mixture of black and white.
red pepper cayenne pepper. [2 definitions]
salt-and-pepper flecked black and white, as hair or cloth.
sweet pepper a type of red pepper plant that bears a large, mild, bell-shaped fruit; capsicum. [2 definitions]
white pepper a condiment with a sharp flavor prepared by grinding the inner fruit of the East Indian pepper.