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kitchen police duty assigned to soldiers to work in a military kitchen; KP. [2 definitions]
military police military personnel who perform police duties, esp. in respect to other military personnel.
police car a car used by police officers and equipped with a radiotelephone; patrol car; squad car.
police department an agency of the government whose purpose is to enforce the law and protect citizens and property from harm. In the United States, the head of a police department is a Chief of Police.
police dog a dog, often a German shepherd, that is trained to aid the police.
police officer a person who is a member of a police force.
police state a country in which the government exercises rigid and usu. repressive control by means of a strong police force, esp. a secret police force.
police station the office of the police within a certain area.
secret police a police force that conducts undercover operations designed to discourage opposition to the government.