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Multi-word Results
abide by to obey; agree to.
blow-by the leakage of unburned gases or of air mixed with fuel into the crankcase of an automobile engine, or the gases so leaking. [2 definitions]
blow-by-blow in full and precise detail, as a description or report.
by a long shot by a considerable amount or distance.
by accident unintentionally; accidentally. [2 definitions]
by all means without fail; of course; absolutely.
by all odds in every conceivable or possible way; undoubtedly.
by and by before long; soon.
by and large in general; mostly.
by any means in any way possible; somehow.
by degrees by steps or stages; gradually.
by dint of through the power or force of; as a function of.
by far without a doubt; indeed.
by fits and starts with much stopping and starting; in short, irregular bursts of activity.
by halves incompletely or imperfectly. [2 definitions]
by hand with the use of your hands, or by human effort without the help of any machines.
by heart by memory.
by hook in any possible way, using any possible means.
by jingo an exclamation used for emphasis or to express surprise.
by Jove used as an expression of surprise or emphasis.