Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
first night the opening performance of a play, opera, movie, or the like, or the night on which this occurs.
fly-by-night irresponsible or unreliable, esp. in business dealings. [4 definitions]
good night used to say good-bye at night.
night and day without rest or interruption; seeming to have no end.
night blindness abnormally weak vision in dim light or darkness, caused by a deficiency of vitamin A.
night crawler any of various large earthworms that surface at night and are commonly used as bait by fishermen.
night latch a door lock that can be opened by a knob from the inside but that requires a key to open it from the outside.
night letter a telegram sent overnight, at a lower rate than usual, for delivery the next day.
night owl (informal) a person who habitually stays up late at night.
night school a school or classes held in the evening, esp. for students who cannot attend during the day.
night soil fertilizer composed of human excrement.
night table a small table or stand kept beside one's bed.
night vision one's ability to see at night or in low light.
night watch a watch or guard occurring during the night. [3 definitions]
night-blooming cereus any of several American cacti bearing large, fragrant flowers that bloom at night.
night-light a small dim light kept on all night, as near a stairway or in a child's bedroom.
one-night stand an engagement for a single performance in one place by an entertainer, speaker, or the like.
polar night in polar regions, the time of the year when the sun does not rise above the horizon, esp. a period of 24 hours or more when there is no twilight.
Walpurgis Night the eve of May Day, during which, according to German folklore, witches gathered for a sabbath before the feast of St. Walpurgis on May 1.
watch night New Year's Eve, or a religious meeting or service held at this time.