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anti-French combined form of French.
French Academy an association of forty scholars and writers devoted to maintaining the purity of the French language and establishing rules of usage.
French and Indian War a war between France and England fought in North America from 1754 to 1760, which was part of the Seven Years' War.
French bread a long, slender loaf of yeast bread made with white flour and having a crisp crust.
French Canadian a Canadian of French descent. [2 definitions]
French chalk a soft white compressed talc, used to remove grease spots from clothing and linens or to make tailor's marks on unsewn fabric.
French Community a political alliance, formed in 1958 and revised in 1962, comprising France, its protectorates, and six African nations that were formerly French possessions.
French cuff a wide cuff on the sleeve of a shirt or blouse that is folded back and fastened with a cuff link.
French curve a flat drafting template used for drawing a variety of curved lines.
French door one of a pair of doors with glass panes from top to bottom and hinged on opposite sides of a doorway so that they open out from the center.
French dressing in the United States, a bright orange, creamy salad dressing that is made commercially. [2 definitions]
French fries (often lower case) potatoes cut into long strips and fried in fat.
French Guiana a territory of France in northern South America, on the Atlantic coast. Cayenne is the capital city of French Guiana.
French horn a brass wind instrument. It is a long coiled tube that ends in a wide bell shape.
French leave an unannounced or unauthorized departure, often abrupt or unceremonious.
French Revolution the revolution in France that began in 1789 with the people's overthrow of the monarchy, continued with the establishment of a republic, and ended in 1799 with Napoleon's rise to power.
French seam a seam that is sewn on both sides of the fabric so that the edges are enclosed.
French toast sliced bread dipped in a mixture of egg and milk and then fried until browned.
French window a window, usu. one of a pair, that resembles a French door, having small panes of glass and usu. extending to the floor. [2 definitions]
French-fry (often l.c.) to fry (potatoes, onion rings, or the like) in deep oil or fat until crisp.