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Multi-word Results
look a gift horse in the mouth not to be grateful for a gift; to criticize something received as a gift.
look after to take care of.
look around to see what things exist in a place, usually in a casual way and not in order to find anything in particular. [2 definitions]
look at someone sideways to look at someone in a doubtful or suspicious way.
look back to consider or recall the past. [2 definitions]
look daggers at to look at with hostility or anger.
look down on to consider oneself to be superior to (someone or something) or to have a disdainful opinion of (someone or something). [2 definitions]
look down one's nose at to feel that one is better than or superior to.
look for to try to find; seek.
look forward to to wait for eagerly.
look in to look into a room or building to make sure that a person, thing, or situation is all right, (often fol. by "on").
look into to investigate or examine (a matter, possible solution, problem, or the like).
look like (informal) to seem likely based on what one can see or what one knows at the present time; look or seem as if. [2 definitions]
look on to watch an activity as someone else performs it.
look out to pay attention in order to avoid danger or harm. [2 definitions]
look out for to watch or attend to (someone) in order to protect them from harm. [2 definitions]
look out on to face; offer a view of (something).
look over to inspect or examine, often quickly.
look up to search for and find (a piece of information) in a book or other source that gives information in an organized way.
look up to to respect; admire.