Dictionary Suite
-ance state, condition, or quality. [3 definitions]
-ence state, condition, or quality. [2 definitions]
-escence state, condition, act, or process.
-ice state, condition, or quality.
abeyance temporary suspension or cessation. [2 definitions]
abhorrence a feeling of complete loathing, repulsion, or horror.
abhorrent causing feelings of extreme loathing or horror; abominable. [3 definitions]
about face a military command to turn and face the opposite direction.
about-face a reversal of one's position or direction, esp. in response to a military command. [3 definitions]
absence the state or condition of being away or not present. [3 definitions]
abstinence the denial of satisfaction of one's appetites, esp. the appetite for certain foods, drugs, or sexual activity. [2 definitions]
abundance an amount that is more than enough; a very plentiful quantity. [2 definitions]
accede to agree or consent; assent. [2 definitions]
acceptance the act of accepting what is offered or given. [4 definitions]
accidence in grammar, the division of morphology that is concerned with inflections. [2 definitions]
accomplice a person who helps another commit a crime or wrongful act.
accordance agreement; compliance. [2 definitions]
ace a playing card or die face that bears only one spot. [7 definitions]
acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well. [3 definitions]
acquiesce to agree silently or without protest; comply; consent.