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aminoglycoside any of a group of antibiotics, such as streptomycin, that is used to treat bacterial infections.
amir a variant of emir.
Amish a Christian sect that separated from the Mennonites in the seventeenth century, the members of which advocate simple living and now live mostly in farming areas of the northeastern United States. [3 definitions]
amiss out of the proper course or order; wrongly; mistakenly. [2 definitions]
amitosis direct cell division in which the nucleus divides without the formation of chromosomes. (Cf. mitosis.)
amitriptyline a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders.
amity friendly and peaceful relations; good will.
Amman the capital of Jordan.
ammeter an instrument that measures the magnitude of an electrical current in amperes.
ammo (informal) ammunition.
Ammon the Greek and Roman name for Amen or Amen-Re, the ancient Egyptian god of life, often identified with Zeus and Jupiter.
ammonia the pungent gas formed from the chemical combination of nitrogen and hydrogen, used esp. in refrigeration and in making fertilizers. [2 definitions]
ammoniac a sharp-smelling gum resin from the stem of an Asian plant, used in perfumes and porcelain cements; gum ammoniac. [2 definitions]
ammoniate to treat, combine, or mix with ammonia. [2 definitions]
ammonification infusion with ammonia or an ammonium compound, as in the production of fertilizer. [2 definitions]
ammonite1 any of various coiled, flat, chambered fossil shells of extinct cephalopod mollusks from the Mesozoic era.
ammonite2 a nitrogenous mixture that consists mainly of dried animal fats, used as a fertilizer.
ammonium the ion resulting from the chemical combination of ammonia and a hydrogen ion.
ammonium carbonate a white powder that is used in baking powder, smelling salts, and substances for fire-extinguishing.
ammonium chloride a white crystalline salt used in dry cells, in medicine as an expectorant, and in various industrial applications; sal ammoniac.
ammonium hydroxide a colorless basic solution produced by dissolving ammonia in water, used as a household cleaner and in the production of textiles, plastic, and the like. (See ammonia.)