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archiepiscopal of or pertaining to an archbishop.
archimandrite in the Eastern Church, the head of a monastery or monasteries. [2 definitions]
Archimedes a Greek mathematician and inventor (287?-212 B.C.).
archipelago a large body of water containing many islands. [3 definitions]
architect one who designs buildings and oversees their construction. [2 definitions]
architectonic of, concerning, or resembling architecture, esp. in structure or design.
architectonics (used with a sing. verb) the science of designing and constructing buildings. [2 definitions]
architectural of or pertaining to architecture.
architecture the act or process of designing buildings, or the profession of an architect. [3 definitions]
architrave in architecture, the lowermost beam resting directly on supporting columns. [2 definitions]
archive (often pl.) a collection of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure. [2 definitions]
archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure. [2 definitions]
archivist a person who manages or maintains archives.
archon a high-ranking magistrate in ancient Athens. [2 definitions]
archway the passageway under an arch. [2 definitions]
-archy government; rule.
arc lamp a lamp, such as a searchlight, in which light is produced by an electric arc passing through a gas between two hot electrodes; arc light.
arco played with a bow rather than by plucking the strings (used as a musical direction). (Cf. pizzicato.)
arctic (often cap.) of or pertaining to the geographic region encompassing the North Pole. [5 definitions]
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and south of the North Pole.
arctic fox a fox of arctic regions, whose fur is blue-gray or brownish gray in summer and white or light gray in winter.