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play hob with to treat or trick mischievously.
playhouse a theater where plays are performed. [3 definitions]
playing card one of a set of usu. fifty-two cards that are divided into four suits of spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds, and are used in playing various games.
playing field an area, often groomed and marked, on which field games are played.
play it by ear to act without planning in advance; improvise.
play it safe to act so as to prevent or avoid misfortune or danger; be cautious.
playlet a short play or drama; skit.
playlist a selection of audio or visual tapes played by a radio or television station.
playmate a young child's companion in playing.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
play one's cards to make and carry out the most advantageous choice.
play on words a pun, or an act or instance of punning.
play out to develop and progress to conclusion; proceed. [3 definitions]
playpen a small, usu. portable enclosure where a baby or young child can play safely.
play possum (informal) to pretend to be asleep or dead; keep very still.
playroom a room set aside for recreation.
play second fiddle to serve in a secondary or subordinate capacity.
play someone false to betray or deceive someone.
play structure a large structure, often made of metal or wood, that is built for children to climb and play on and often found in school playgrounds or parks.
playsuit a one-piece or two-piece garment suitable for active play and worn esp. by children.
plaything something that is played with or regarded or treated as a toy. [2 definitions]