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Punjab a northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent now divided between Pakistan and India (usu. prec. by "the").
Punjabi a native or inhabitant of the Punjab, a northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent. [3 definitions]
punk dry, rotted wood for use as tinder. [2 definitions]
punkah a large fan used in India, traditionally wielded by a servant, consisting of a hand-held palmyra leaf or a strip of canvas stretched on a frame that is suspended from the ceiling and operated by ropes and pulleys.
punk rock a loud and insistent style of rock music, characterized by deliberately offensive and aggressive lyrics, which originated in the late 1970s; punk.
punster someone who is fond of or skilled at making puns.
punt1 in football, a kick made by dropping the ball and then kicking it before it hits the ground. (Cf. drop kick, place kick.) [3 definitions]
punt2 a flat-bottomed boat propelled by means of a long pole, used primarily for travel on shallow water.
punty in glassmaking, a metal rod on which the hot glass is handled; pontil.
puny exceptionally small, weak, or insignificant.
pup a dog that is not fully grown; puppy. [3 definitions]
pupa an intermediate stage in the development of many insects, such as butterflies, during which they do not eat and are often encased in a cocoon. [2 definitions]
pupate to become a pupa.
pupil1 any person who studies under a teacher.
pupil2 the small, dark, circular opening in the center of the eye, through which light passes to the retina.
puppet a toylike figure of a human or animal that can be manipulated by a hand inserted within its hollow body, or by strings held from above. (See marionette). [2 definitions]
puppeteer someone who manipulates puppets to entertain others.
puppetry the art or practice of making or operating puppets.
puppet show a play or performance in which puppets are the main or sole characters.
puppy a dog that is not fully grown, usu. less than one year old. [2 definitions]
puppy love infatuation or immature love, esp. between a boy and girl.