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roam to proceed or travel without a fixed course or destination; wander. [3 definitions]
roan having a dark coat thickly sprinkled with white (used esp. of horses). [3 definitions]
Roanoke Island an island off the coast of North Carolina, where colonists brought by Sir Walter Raleigh established the first English settlement in North America in 1585.
roar to utter a prolonged cry or shout that is both deep and loud. [8 definitions]
roast to cook or bake (meat) with dry heat, as in an oven or over an open fire. [12 definitions]
roaster a suitable pan, appliance, or other device for roasting meat. [3 definitions]
rob to steal money or property from unlawfully and with the use or threat of force. [4 definitions]
robber a person who steals by using or threatening to use force.
robber baron a feudal nobleman who robbed travelers passing through his domain. [2 definitions]
robber fly any of numerous related, swift, often large flies that prey on other insects.
robbery the act or practice or an instance of robbing, esp. with the threat or use of force.
robe a long, loose gown or outer garment, such as one worn by certain officials or during certain ceremonies. [4 definitions]
Robert Mugabe leader of Zimbabwe since 1980, born Robert Gabriel Mugabe (b.1924).
Roberto Clemente U.S. professional baseball player, the first Hispanic American to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame; born Roberto Walker Clemente (b.1934--d.1972).
Roberto Suro an American journalist and professor who specializes in Hispanic issues and immigration policy. Suro is the former director of the Pew Hispanic Center (b.1951).
robin a large North American songbird related to the thrush, with an orange-red breast, dark brown head and back, and a bright yellow bill. [2 definitions]
Robin Hood in English legend, an outlaw of the twelfth century who became famous for robbing the rich to help the poor.
robin's-egg blue a pale greenish blue color.
Robinson Crusoe in an eighteenth-century novel by Daniel Defoe, the title character, who is shipwrecked and survives for many years on a tropical island.
roble a tall California white oak with leathery leaves and narrow, pointed acorns. [2 definitions]
robot a mechanical device, esp. one controlled electronically, that can perform physical tasks of a human being, often used in industrial assembly or the like. [2 definitions]