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USAF abbreviation of "United States Air Force."
usage the way or amount of using or treating something, or the acts of using something viewed collectively. [3 definitions]
USCIS an abbreviation for "United States Citizenship and Immigration Services." The USCIS is the government department that deals with people who have moved to the United States and with people who want to become citizens of the United States.
USDA abbreviation of "United States Department of Agriculture."
use to bring into service; employ, esp. habitually. [12 definitions]
useable combined form of use.
used previously owned; secondhand. [2 definitions]
used to functioning as an auxiliary verb followed by the infinitive marker "to," used to describe an action or state that existed in the past but does not happen or exist now. [2 definitions]
useful able to be used, esp. in a helpful, practical, or effective way.
useless serving no beneficial or practical purpose. [2 definitions]
user one that uses. [3 definitions]
user-friendly easy to use, as a computer or computer application.
user-generated of or relating to content on a website that is freely contributed by people who use the site.
user ID in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A user ID, also called a "username," is used in conjunction with a password.
username in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A username, also called a "user ID," is used in conjunction with a password.
use up to completely consume or exhaust; finish.
usher one who escorts people to their seats in a church, theater, stadium, or the like. [6 definitions]
usherette a female usher, as in a theater.
USIA abbreviation of "United States Information Agency."
USIS abbreviation of "United States Information Service."
USMC abbreviation of "United States Marine Corps."