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verb in grammar, a word that communicates a state of being or an action and that usu. has inflected forms to indicate tense, voice, mood, or agreement with a subject or object.
verbal of or relating to words. [5 definitions]
verbalism a verbal expression; word or phrase. [3 definitions]
verbalist a person who uses words skillfully. [2 definitions]
verbalization the act or process, or an instance, of expressing something in words, especially spoken words.
verbalize to express (something) by using words, esp. spoken words.
verbal noun a noun that is derived from a verb; gerund, such as "driving" in "He hates driving," or infinitive, such as "to swim" in "She loves to swim".
verbatim using exactly the same words; word for word. [2 definitions]
verbena one of a group of plants that usu. have square stems and opposite leaves, and that bear spikes of colorful flowers.
verbiage more words than necessary; wordiness.
verbless combined form of verb.
verbose using or characterized by many or superfluous words; wordy.
verboten (German) strictly prohibited; forbidden.
verb phrase in grammar, either a phrase that includes a verb with auxiliary verbs, such as "had been crying," or one that includes a verb and adverb, such as "give up".
verdant covered with vegetation. [2 definitions]
verdict the finding of a judge or jury in a law case. [2 definitions]
verdigris a greenish or bluish patina of copper sulfate or copper chloride that forms on surfaces of copper, brass, or bronze as they are exposed to air or water. [2 definitions]
verdin a small gray titmouse that has a yellow head, lives in the southwestern United States and Mexico, and builds a spherical nest of thorny twigs.
verdure an abundance of green, flourishing vegetation. [2 definitions]
verdurous covered with, rich in, or consisting of verdure; verdant.
verge the point or limit beyond which something something is likely, inevitable, or attainable; brink. [6 definitions]