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user-friendly easy to use, as a computer or computer application.
user-generated of or relating to content on a website that is freely contributed by people who use the site.
user ID in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A user ID, also called a "username," is used in conjunction with a password.
username in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A username, also called a "user ID," is used in conjunction with a password.
use up to completely consume or exhaust; finish.
usher one who escorts people to their seats in a church, theater, stadium, or the like. [6 definitions]
usherette a female usher, as in a theater.
USIA abbreviation of "United States Information Agency."
USIS abbreviation of "United States Information Service."
USMC abbreviation of "United States Marine Corps."
USN abbreviation of "United States Navy."
USO abbreviation of "United Service Organizations."
U.S. Open a major annual tennis tournament held in the U.S. in late summer, open to all contestants, amateur and professional.
USS abbreviation of "United States Ship."
U.S.S.R. abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Soviet Union.
ustulate blackened, as if scorched or burnt on the surface.
usu. abbreviation of "usually," in most instances; customarily.
usual encountered, experienced, used, or happening in most instances; customary. [3 definitions]
usually ordinarily or most often; generally; typically.
usufruct in civil law, the right to use or gain the benefits of another's property, provided that one does not damage, waste, or otherwise alter it.
usurer a person who lends money at excessive or illegal rates of interest.