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Aaron according to the Old Testament, the older brother of Moses and the first high priest of the Hebrew nation.
Abel according to the Old Testament, the second son of Adam and Eve, who was murdered by his brother Cain.
Abraham according to the Old Testament, the first of the postdiluvian patriarchs, father of Isaac, and ancestor of the Hebrews.
according to Hoyle according to the rules; correctly.
Adam according to the Old Testament, the name of the first man, created by God from dust, and the progenitor of the human race.
after one's own heart according to or sharing one's tastes and preferences.
ah used to express surprise, joy, pain, agreement, dislike, and other emotions or reactions according to the context.
allegedly according to what has been alleged.
allocate to give out according to a plan; distribute by lot. [1/2 definitions]
alphabetic pertaining to or arranged according to the standard order of an alphabet; alphabetical. [1/2 definitions]
alphabetical pertaining to or arranged according to the standard order of an alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
alphabetize to arrange according to the standard order of an alphabet.
Amos according to the Old Testament, a minor Hebrew prophet of the eighth century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
analogy the process by which linguistic forms change according to existing patterns, esp. by means of comparison. [1/5 definitions]
Apollyon according to the Book of Revelation, a destroying angel who is the king of the evil spirits that will torture those who do not bear the seal of God when the earth is destroyed; Abaddon.
appraise to determine the monetary value of (something) according to size, quality, and other features. [1/2 definitions]
ark (sometimes cap.) according to the Old Testament, a large boat built by Noah to preserve life during the Flood. [1/4 definitions]
ark of the covenant according to the Old Testament, the sacred chest in which the ancient Hebrews carried the two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
Armageddon according to the New Testament, the place where the final, decisive conflict between good and evil will be fought. [1/2 definitions]
assorted placed according to some distinguishing characteristic; classified. [1/2 definitions]
as to according to. [1/2 definitions]