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clone to duplicate (an organism) exactly, by asexual reproduction. [2/5 definitions]
conidium in fungi, an asexual spore formed at the tip of a specialized structure.
heterogamous characterized by alternating sexual and asexual reproduction in successive generations. [1/3 definitions]
hydroid characteristic of the asexual hydrozoan polyp. [2 definitions]
monogenesis in plants, asexual reproduction, as by formation of spores. [1/2 definitions]
neuter lacking a sexual aspect; asexual. [1/9 definitions]
reproduce to create (new plants or animals of the same kind) by means of a sexual or an asexual process. [1/6 definitions]
sexless having no sexual characteristics; asexual; neuter. [1/2 definitions]
vegetative having to do with asexual reproduction, as by fission. [1/3 definitions]
zoospore a tiny asexual reproductive cell of certain algae and fungi that is capable of independent motion.