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bismuth a chemical element that has eighty-three protons in each nucleus and is a white brittle crystalline metal with very low thermal and electrical conductivity, used chiefly in alloys and medicines. (symbol: Bi)
copper a chemical element that has twenty-nine protons in each nucleus and occurs as a reddish brown, corrosion-resistant solid metal with excellent electrical conductivity, widely used for wiring and in pipes, and in alloys such as brass and bronze. (symbol: Cu). [1/7 definitions]
isotropic having physical properties, such as heat conductivity or growth, that are the same along any axis of measurement.
photoconductive displaying a change in electrical conductivity upon absorption of light or other radiation.
salinometer an instrument that measure the concentration of salt in a solution, esp. by indirect measurement of electrical conductivity.
superfluidity the condition of liquid helium below 2.18 degrees Kelvin, characterized by frictionless flow and very high thermal conductivity.